Eat to Give . . .

The rules are simple: cook, charge, charity.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Shopping Frenzy! How 'Bout Eating Frenzy?

Hello from Hillsdale NY!
After Black Friday mayhem Sarah H. decided to give the shopping a BREAK- as in a BBA dinner party. Isn't the holiday season about giving not TAKING! The day after watching people beat one another up over televisions we gathered around the kitchen island for a fantastic salad, great bread, pasta and chicken dish. Over a few bottles of wine, a lot of laughs, we all felt truly in the spirit of the holidays- and we raised over $200 for a local food pantry. Instead of food donations they will be able to buy what people would like for the holiday- a ham, a roast beef, or a turkey.

Paul Roberts, CHEF Paul, made an epic salad and promised to measure out the exact proportions since he just does it by sight. One part balsamic vinegar, one part water, one to two parts EVOL (you decide), pepper, pinch of salt, and four diced juicy tomatoes go into a bowl. Stir. The hardest part is the croutons. They have to be homemade! He brushed slices of Italian bread with oil and garlic, diced them up and toasted them in the oven. They go into the bowl with all the other ingredients, followed by shredded Romano cheese and Romaine lettuce. The croutons soaked up the tomato juicy dressing and all I could say was "Incredible."

Our next dinner will be in two week. Our theme, thanks to Chef Paul is "make your secret dish."

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